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Death is an inevitable part of life, and while it may be a difficult topic to discuss, it’s important to consider your options for after you pass away. One option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is cremation. But what exactly is cremation? How does the process work? What are the benefits and costs associated with this choice? In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about cremation so that you can make an informed decision about your final arrangements.

What is Cremation?

Cremation is a process of reducing the body to ashes through intense heat. The practice has been around for thousands of years, with evidence of cremations dating back to ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome. In recent times, cremation has become more popular as people seek alternatives to traditional burial methods.

During the cremation process, the deceased person’s body is placed into a container or casket and then put into a special furnace called a retort. Temperatures inside the retort can reach up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit, which causes any organic matter in the body to be completely burned away.

Once the process is complete, all that remains are fragments of bone that are then ground down further until they resemble coarse sand or gravel. These ashes are typically placed into an urn or other container and given to the family members who can choose what they want to do with them.

One common misconception about cremation is that it eliminates any need for funeral services or memorials. In reality, many families still hold memorial services either before or after cremation takes place as a way of honoring their loved ones’ lives and saying goodbye.

Ultimately, choosing whether or not to be cremated is a personal decision based on individual beliefs and traditions. However, understanding what exactly cremation entails can help you make an informed choice about your final arrangements.

The History of Cremation

Cremation is not a modern practice. It dates back to ancient times and has been practiced by different cultures around the world.

In Hinduism, cremation is considered an important part of the death ritual. The body is burned on a pyre to release the soul from its earthly form and allow it to move on to its next life.

The Romans also practiced cremation, but only for specific classes such as soldiers and aristocrats. They believed that burning the body freed the soul from physical shackles.

However, during medieval times in Europe, cremation was largely abandoned due to religious beliefs that the body should remain intact for resurrection purposes.

It wasn’t until the late 19th century when cremation gained popularity again in Western countries like England and America. This was partly due to concerns over public health and hygiene related to traditional burials.

How does Cremation Work?

Cremation is a process that involves the reduction of human remains to ashes using high heat and flame. The process begins by preparing the body for cremation, which typically includes removing any metal or non-combustible parts such as jewelry and implants.

Once prepared, the body is placed in a casket or container made from combustible materials like wood. The casket is then moved into the cremation chamber where it is exposed to temperatures ranging from 1400-1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

The heat causes the body to undergo several chemical reactions that progressively break down its organic matter until only bones remain. These bones are then crushed into smaller fragments called “cremains” before being placed in an urn or other receptacle.

There are several types of cremation available including traditional flame-based cremation and newer methods like alkaline hydrolysis which uses water instead of fire. However, most people still opt for traditional flame-based methods because they’re more widely available and less expensive than newer alternatives.

While there may be some cultural differences around death rituals across different cultures and religions, cremation has become an increasingly popular choice for many people due to its convenience, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, and flexibility when it comes to memorialization options.

The Process of Cremation

The process of cremation is a modern method of handling the remains of loved ones after their passing. The procedure involves placing the body in a specialized furnace, called a cremator, and exposing it to high temperatures between 1400-1800 degrees Fahrenheit.

During this process, the body is reduced to skeletal fragments or “ashes”. Any non-combustible materials such as dental fillings or implants are removed from these ashes. Afterward, they are processed into fine particles that can be safely handled by family members.

The entire process takes around two to three hours to complete and once finished, families have multiple options for what they want to do with their loved one’s ashes. Some choose to scatter them at meaningful locations while others prefer memorializing them in urns or keepsakes.

It’s important for families considering cremation as an option for their loved one’s final disposition to understand the process thoroughly so they can make informed decisions about how best to honor those who have passed on. Learn more about how to choose the right cremation provider.

The Cost of Cremation

The cost of cremation is a topic that many people have questions about. It’s important to understand the different costs associated with cremation so that you can make an informed decision.

One of the main factors that affects the cost of cremation is which of the three types of cremation services you opt for. If you opt for a traditional funeral service, followed by cremation, the overall cost will be higher than if you choose direct cremation without any ceremony.

Another factor that influences the cost of cremation is location. Prices can vary depending on where you live and what services are available in your area. Shopping around for quotes from different providers can help ensure that you’re getting a fair price.

It’s also worth noting that there may be additional costs beyond just the actual process of cremating remains. Some providers charge fees for things like transportation, storage, and death certificates.

While it’s true that opting for burial may sometimes be more expensive than choosing to have someone cremated, it’s important to do your research and consider all factors before making a decision based solely on price. After all, this is ultimately about honoring your loved one in the way they would want – regardless of how much it costs.

Cremation Today

Cremation today is becoming an increasingly popular option. In fact, according to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), cremation rates in the U.S. have surpassed burial rates since 2015.

One reason for this trend could be due to environmental concerns. Cremation requires less land usage and eliminates the need for embalming chemicals that can potentially harm the environment.

Additionally, cremation can offer more flexibility in planning memorial services. Families can choose to hold a traditional funeral service before or after cremation or opt for a unique celebration of life ceremony.

Technology has also played a role in modern cremations with advancements such as alkaline hydrolysis, which uses water instead of fire to break down remains.

While burial will always remain a common choice for many families, cremation offers an alternative that is gaining popularity due to its cost-effectiveness and customizable options.

Preplanning for a Cremation

Preplanning for a cremation is an important aspect of end-of-life planning. It allows individuals to ensure that their wishes are met and can alleviate some of the stress on loved ones during a difficult time.

When preplanning for a cremation, it is important to consider factors such as location, cost, and any specific requests for the disposition of remains. Some people may choose to have their ashes scattered in a meaningful location or kept in an urn by family members.

It’s also essential to communicate your plans with loved ones and ensure they know where your documents are stored. This includes legal paperwork such as wills and healthcare directives, as well as instructions regarding funeral arrangements.

Another benefit of preplanning is the ability to prepay for services. This can help alleviate financial burdens on family members after death.

Preplanning for a cremation ensures that one’s final wishes are respected while providing peace of mind for both individuals and their families.


Cremation has become a popular alternative to traditional burial in recent years. It offers numerous benefits such as cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and environmental friendliness. However, it’s important to note that the decision to choose cremation is a personal one that should be carefully considered.

Whether you’re preplanning for yourself or making arrangements for a loved one who has passed away, understanding the process of cremation can help you make an informed decision. By weighing the costs and benefits of this option, you can ensure that your final wishes are carried out in accordance with your beliefs and values.

Ultimately, whether you choose cremation or traditional burial depends on what feels right for you and your family. It’s important to remember that there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to end-of-life decisions – only what is best for those involved.

If you are interested in Queens cremation services for you or a loved one, contact one of our local cremation providers:

Arlington, Brooklyn, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Fort Worth, Houston, Indianapolis, LouisvilleManhattan, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, St. Paul.